Do you need physical therapy after a wrist fracture?

fractured wrist can significantly impact your daily life, whether it’s a break in the forearm bones (the distal radius and ulna) or the carpal bones that make up the wrist joint. Commonly caused by falls, wrist fractures can be extremely painful. The good news is that with proper care and rehabilitation, you can regain strength, mobility, and function.

 In this article, we’ll explore the importance of physical therapy in the recovery process and provide valuable tips for healing after a wrist fracture.

What is a wrist fracture?

wrist fracture occurs when one or more of the bones in your wrist break or crack. This injury can result from various causes:

  • Falls: Falling onto an outstretched hand is a common cause of wrist fractures. When people try to catch themselves during a fall and land hard on their hand, the wrist bones can break.
  • Sports Injuries: Many wrist fractures happen during contact sports or activities where you might fall onto an outstretched hand. Examples include in-line skating, snowboarding, football, soccer, and hockey.
  • Motor Vehicle Crashes: Car accidents can cause wrist bones to break, sometimes into multiple pieces, often requiring surgical repair.

Risk factors for wrist fractures include participating in certain sports and having osteoporosis, a condition where bones become thinner and more fragile. If you suspect a broken wrist, seek medical attention promptly.


  • Pain in the wrist, especially when moving the wrist or hand
  • Swelling and bruising around the wrist
  • Deformity of the wrist
  • Tenderness to touch
  • Difficulty moving the wrist or hand

What are the benefits of physical therapy for wrist fractures?

Whether you’ve experienced a fall, a sports-related injury, or any other trauma resulting in a fractured wrist, targeted physical therapy can significantly enhance your recovery process and overall well-being.

Restoring Normal Function and Mobility

After a wrist fracture, regaining normal wrist motion, strength, and function is paramount. Physical therapists, as movement experts, employ hands-on care and personalized exercises to help you regain flexibility and mobility. By addressing pain, swelling, and stiffness, they facilitate your return to daily activities.

Pain Management

Physical therapists utilize various techniques, including manual therapy and modalities like heat or cold treatments, to manage pain effectively. A reduction in pain enhances your overall quality of life during the healing process.

Preventing Future Fractures

Education plays a crucial role. Your physical therapist will teach you proper body mechanics, balance, and coordination to prevent future injuries. Empowering you with knowledge ensures proactive steps toward preventing re-fractures.

Customized Treatment Plans

Each patient receives an individualized treatment plan based on their specific needs. As you progress, your therapist adjusts exercises and interventions to optimize results.

Enhancing Strength and Range of Motion

Targeted exercises strengthen weakened muscles, promote healing, and prevent muscle atrophy. Additionally, therapists work on wrist flexibility and joint mobility, ensuring optimal function.

Scar Tissue Management

Minimizing scar tissue formation is essential after a fracture. Physical therapy helps maintain joint mobility and prevent limitations caused by scar tissue.

Education and Empowerment

Understanding your condition, self-management strategies and preventive measures empowers you for long-term wrist health. Your physical therapist equips you with the tools needed for ongoing well-being.

Remember, seeking professional guidance early after a wrist fracture is essential for a successful recovery. Consult a physical therapist to receive personalized care and maximize the benefits of physical therapy.

What is the rehabilitation plan for wrist fracture?

Rehabilitation after a wrist fracture is crucial for optimal healing and restoring function. Here are some key components of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan:

Immediate Post-Injury Phase (0-4 weeks)

  • Maintain Shoulder and Elbow Movements: Gently move your shoulder and elbow to prevent stiffness and maintain overall upper limb function.
  • Pain Management: Use ice packs (wrapped in a cloth) to reduce swelling and manage pain.
  • Elevate the Wrist: Keep your wrist elevated to minimize swelling.

Wrist Flexibility and Strengthening Exercises

  • Wrist Flexion and Extension:
  1. Bend your wrist upward (flexion) and downward (extension).
  2. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Wrist Radial and Ulnar Deviation:
  1. Move your wrist toward the thumb side (radial deviation) and then toward the pinky side (ulnar deviation).
  2. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  3. Hand Flips:
  1. Flip your hand over, palm up to palm down.
  2. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Grip Strengthening:
  4. Squeeze a softball or stress ball to improve hand strength.

Gradual Progression

  • As pain decreases, gradually increase the intensity of exercises.
  • Work on wrist mobility, strength, and coordination.

Remember to consult a physical therapist or healthcare provider for personalized guidance. They can tailor a rehabilitation plan specific to your needs and monitor your progress. 

What is the recovery time for wrist fractures with and without surgery?

The recovery time for wrist fractures can vary based on factors such as the severity of the fracture and the chosen treatment method. Let’s explore the timelines:

Non-Surgical Treatment

  • Mild to Moderate Fractures: If you undergo closed reduction (realigning the bones without surgery), you may wear a splint for a few days to a week, followed by a cast for approximately four to six weeks.
  • During this period, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid putting excessive stress on the healing wrist.

Surgical Treatment

  • Severe Fractures Requiring Surgery: For more complex fractures or cases where surgery is necessary, the recovery process can be longer.
  • Post-Surgery Healing: After surgical intervention, you’ll likely wear a cast or splint for several weeks. The overall recovery time can extend up to six months or more, especially for severe breaks.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

  • Immediate Post-Cast Period: Once the cast is removed, physical therapy plays a crucial role. You’ll gradually regain strength, flexibility, and function.
  • Continued Therapy: Physical therapy may continue for about five weeks. During this phase, you’ll work on wrist mobility, strength, and coordination.
  • Return to Activities:
  • 1 to 2 Months: Most patients can return to most activities within this timeframe.
  • 3 to 6 Months: You should be able to resume all activities, including work or sports.
  • Long-Term Stiffness: It may take up to two years for wrist stiffness to completely resolve.

Remember that individual recovery experiences can vary, and it’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance for optimal healing. Patience, adherence to rehabilitation protocols, and gradual progression are key to a successful recovery. 

What are some foods that can help with bone healing?

When it comes to supporting bone health and aiding in bone healing, certain foods play a crucial role. Let’s explore some of these nutrient-rich options:

Fortified 100% Orange Juice

  • Packed with vitamin C, which supports cartilage formation.
    • Also contains other nutrients essential for bone health.

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese

  • Excellent sources of calcium.
    • Vital for bone strength and density.

Leafy Greens (Broccoli, Kale, Spinach)

  • Rich in calciumvitamin K, and magnesium.
    • Support bone health and prevent bone loss.

Canned Salmon with Bones

  • Provides calcium and vitamin D.
    • The bones are edible and contribute to bone strength.

Almonds and Almond Butter

  • High in calciummagnesium, and protein.
    • Beneficial for bone repair.


  • Contains calcium and is a great plant-based option.
    • Supports bone health.

White Beans

  • Rich in calciummagnesium, and protein.
    • Promote bone healing.

Dried Figs

  • Provide calciumpotassium, and magnesium.
    • A tasty addition to your diet.

Remember to maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice during your bone healing process. 

What is the cost of physical therapy for wrist fractures?

The cost of physical therapy for wrist fractures can vary based on several factors, including the severity of the fracture, the type of treatment required, and whether you have health insurance. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs:

Non-Surgical Treatment

  • Mild to Moderate Sprain or Fracture: Without health insurance, the typical cost for diagnosis and non-surgical treatment (including X-rays, facility fees, and doctor fees) ranges from $500 or less for a mild to moderate sprain to up to $2,500 or more for a fracture that requires a cast.
  • Wrist X-ray: The average cost of a wrist X-ray is approximately $190, but some radiology centers may charge $1,000 or more.
  • Ulnar Styloid Fracture: Non-surgical treatment for this common wrist fracture costs an average of about $240, excluding the doctor’s fee.

Surgical Treatment

  • Broken Wrist Requiring Surgery: Without health insurance, surgical treatment typically costs $7,000 to $10,000 or more.
  • Specific examples:
    • Surgical treatment of a distal radius fracture (a common wrist fracture) costs about $6,056, not including the doctor’s fee.
    • Surgical treatment of a scaphoid fracture (another common wrist fracture) averages about $7,328, excluding the doctor’s fee.

Insurance Coverage

  • Treatment for a sprained or broken wrist is generally covered by health insurance.
  • Expenses for insured patients may include X-ray copays, office visit copays, and coinsurance (usually 30% or more) for procedures.
  • With surgery, costs could reach the yearly out-of-pocket maximum.

Remember that early intervention and professional guidance are essential for optimal recovery. Consult a physical therapist to receive personalized care and maximize the benefits of physical therapy for your wrist fracture.


What does a physio do for a broken wrist?

Physical therapists play a crucial role in wrist fracture recovery. They focus on restoring the range of motion and strength to the wrist through exercises and modalities like heat, ice, and electrical stimulation. Their goal is to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle atrophy, helping patients regain full mobility and function in the affected wrist.

How long is a physical therapy session for the wrist?

A typical physical therapy session for a wrist fracture lasts around 8 to 12 weeks. During this time, patients work on strengthening exercises and gradually regain mobility and function.

What kind of therapy for a broken wrist?

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in wrist fracture recovery. After your cast or splint is removed, physical therapy focuses on reducing stiffness and restoring movement in your wrist. Exercises and rehabilitation help regain strength and flexibility, but complete healing may take several months or longer.


In the journey toward healing a fractured wrist, physical therapy emerges as a vital ally. Through targeted exercises, pain management, and personalized care, patients regain strength, mobility, and function. Remember, consistency and patience are key. Consult a skilled physical therapist to guide you toward a successful recovery and a wrist that’s ready to take on life once again. 🌟

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I am a highly skilled and experienced content writer with a Doctorate in Therapy degree. With a deep understanding of the human body and a passion for health and wellness. I combines my clinical expertise and writing skills to create valuable and engaging content.

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