How does physical therapy help in recovering from fractures in the elderly?

Fractures can significantly impact the lives of older adults, affecting mobility, independence, and overall well-being. Fortunately, physical therapy plays a vital role in the recovery process. By tailoring exercises and interventions to individual needs, physical therapists help seniors regain strength, flexibility, and functional abilities.

 In this article, we delve into the ways physical therapy supports fracture recovery in the elderly, emphasizing pain management, fall prevention, and the restoration of daily activities. Let’s explore how these therapeutic interventions contribute to a smoother path toward healing and improved quality of life.

What are fractures in the elderly?

Fractures in the elderly, also known as geriatric fractures, are a common and serious concern. They occur when a bone breaks in someone older than 65, often due to a combination of weaker bones and falls.

Causes of fracture in elderly

  • Weaker bones: As we age, our bones naturally lose density and become more fragile, a condition called osteoporosis. This makes them more susceptible to breaking, even from minor falls or bumps.
  • Falls: Falls are the leading cause of fractures in the elderly. Balance and coordination decline with age, increasing the risk of tripping or stumbling. Certain medical conditions and medications can also contribute to falls.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as arthritis, dementia, and vision problems, can increase the risk of falls and fractures.

Symptoms of fracture in elderly

  • Pain: This is the most common symptom of a fracture and is usually severe and localized to the injured area.
  • Swelling and bruising: The area around the fracture may become swollen and bruised.
  • Deformity: In some cases, the bone may be visibly out of place.
  • Inability to move the injured area: This is a common symptom, especially with hip fractures.

What are some common types of fractures in the elderly?

Certainly! Fractures in older adults can vary in type and location. Let’s explore some common ones:

Hip Fractures

  • These occur in the femur (thigh bone) near the hip joint.
  • Hip fractures are often associated with falls and can significantly impact mobility and independence.

Vertebral (Spinal) Fractures

  • These affect the vertebrae in the spine.
  • Vertebral fractures can lead to kyphosis (a hunched back) and chronic pain.

Wrist Fractures

  • These involve the radius or ulna bones in the forearm.
  • Wrist fractures are common due to falls on an outstretched hand.

Pelvic Fractures

  • Pelvic fractures occur in the pelvis (hip bones).
  • They can result from high-energy trauma or falls.

Proximal Humerus Fractures

  • These affect the upper arm bone (humerus) near the shoulder joint.
  • Common in older adults due to falls.

Rib Fracture

  • Rib fractures can cause significant pain and difficulty breathing.
  • They often occur due to trauma or falls.

Ankle Fractures

  • These involve the bones of the ankle joint.
  • Ankle fractures can result from twisting injuries or falls.

Remember, early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial for optimal recovery. If you suspect a fracture, seek medical attention promptly!

What are some risk factors for fractures in the elderly?

Fractures in older adults can have various risk factors. Let’s explore them:

Age-Related Loss of Muscle Mass (Sarcopenia)

  • Sarcopenia, characterized by a decline in muscle mass, strength, and function, increases the risk of fractures.
  • Weakening muscles affect balance and stability, making falls more likely.

Problems with Balance and Gait

  • As we age, maintaining balance becomes challenging.
  • Gait abnormalities or unsteady walking patterns contribute to fall-related fractures.

Postural Hypotension

  • Blood pressure dropping significantly when transitioning from lying down or sitting to standing can lead to falls.
  • Postural hypotension increases fracture risk.

Foot Problems and Unsafe Footwear

  • Painful foot conditions and wearing backless shoes or high heels raise the likelihood of falling.
  • Proper footwear is essential for stability.

Vision and Hearing Changes

  • Diminished eyesight and hearing affect awareness of surroundings.
  • Impaired reflexes due to sensory changes contribute to falls.

Medical Conditions

  • Conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid issues impact balance.
  • Nerve problems, incontinence, and certain types of dementia also increase fracture risk.


  • Some medications cause side effects like dizziness or confusion, making falls more likely.
  • The more medications a person takes, the higher the risk.

Safety Hazards

  • Unsafe home or community environments, such as cluttered spaces or uneven surfaces, can lead to falls.

Remember, proactive measures like exercise, vision checks, and home safety modifications can help prevent fractures. Stay informed and take steps to protect your well-being!

Physical Therapy for Fracture Recovery for Elderly

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in aiding elderly individuals during their recovery from fractures. Here are some ways it helps:

  • Restoring Range of Motion: After a fracture, joints, and muscles can become stiff due to immobility. Physical therapists work on improving joint flexibility and restoring normal range of motion.
  • Strengthening Muscles: Fractures often lead to muscle weakness. Physical therapy focuses on strengthening weakened muscles around the affected area. This helps improve overall stability and prevents future injuries.
  • Functional Mobility: Elderly individuals need to regain their ability to perform daily activities independently. Physical therapists guide patients through exercises that enhance functional mobility, such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of bed.
  • Pain Management: Fractures can be painful. Physical therapists use techniques like manual therapy, heat, cold, and electrical stimulation to manage pain effectively.
  • Balance and Fall Prevention: Fractures increase the risk of falls. Physical therapy includes exercises to improve balance, reducing the likelihood of future accidents.
  • Assistive Devices: If necessary, physical therapists recommend and teach the use of assistive devices like canes, walkers, or crutches to aid mobility during recovery.
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: For fractures requiring surgery, physical therapy helps patients recover after the procedure. It focuses on assisted transfers and ambulation.

Remember, individualized treatment plans are tailored to each person’s specific needs, considering factors like the type of fracture, overall health, and functional goals.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Older Adults

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the recovery of elderly individuals who have experienced fractures. Here are the benefits of physical therapy during fracture recovery:

Pain Reduction

  • Physical therapists help manage pain associated with fractures through targeted exercises and techniques.

Improved Flexibility and Strength

  • Specific exercises enhance muscle flexibility and strength around the affected area.
  • Strengthening these muscles aids in overall mobility and function.

Posture Enhancement

  • Physical therapy focuses on maintaining proper posture during daily activities.
  • Improved posture contributes to better balance and reduced fall risk.

Functional Recovery

  • Physical therapists work on restoring functional abilities, such as walking, climbing stairs, and performing daily tasks.
  • This helps individuals regain independence and confidence.

Fall Prevention

  • By addressing balance, coordination, and strength, physical therapy reduces the risk of future falls and subsequent fractures.

Remember that consistent participation in physical therapy sessions is essential for optimal recovery. 🌟

Which fracture is most common in the elderly?

Falls account for nearly 75% of all geriatric trauma and are the most common cause of fractures in older people. These falls often occur from standing height or less, resulting in fragility fractures. Fragility fractures occur in older adults who often have multiple comorbidities and functional impairments.

What are the 7 types of fractures?

Bone fractures can vary in type and severity. Here are seven common types:

Avulsion Fracture

  • A muscle or ligament pulls on the bone, causing a fracture.
  • Common in sports injuries.

Comminuted Fracture

  • High-impact force shatters the bone into multiple pieces.
  • Often requires surgical intervention.

Compression (Crush) Fracture

  • Occurs in spongy bones (e.g., spine vertebrae).
  • Common in osteoporosis cases.

Fracture Dislocation

  • A joint dislocates, and one of the joint’s bones fractures.
  • Requires careful realignment.

Greenstick Fracture

  • Bone partially fractures on one side but doesn’t break completely.
  • Common in children due to flexible bones.

Hairline Fracture

  • Thin, partial fracture of the bone.
  • May not be immediately visible on X-rays.

Spiral Fracture

  • Bone twists during the break.
  • Often seen in sports-related injuries.

Remember, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential for optimal healing. 🌟

How long does it take for 70-year-old bones to heal?

Bone healing tends to slow down as we age. For 70-year-olds, fractures take longer to mend due to factors like reduced cell production, decreased blood supply, and chronic illnesses like osteoporosis. On average, elderly individuals may take three months longer to recover from fractures compared to younger counterparts.


Physical therapy emerges as a guiding light for elderly individuals. Through targeted exercises, pain management, and personalized interventions, physical therapists pave the way toward healing and restored functionality.

As seniors regain strength, balance, and confidence, they not only mend their bones but also reclaim their independence and quality of life. So, let us celebrate the resilience of aging bodies and recognize the transformative impact of physical therapy on the path to recovery. 

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I am a highly skilled and experienced content writer with a Doctorate in Therapy degree. With a deep understanding of the human body and a passion for health and wellness. I combines my clinical expertise and writing skills to create valuable and engaging content.

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